Boreal Shores Art Tour
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It’s a perfect weekend road trip to take with your friends and/or family to meet new and returning artists with over 20 locations to visit including the WRHM.
The excitement is irresistible! This year we have a stop further east than ever before. Stop # 4 in the south is a group site at Falcon Trails Resort - a 10 or 15 minute drive along the south shore of Falcon Lake. The tour route gives visitors a good view of the forests and lakes of the Whiteshell before entering the central region. Here they will join the Winnipeg River and can glimpse four major Hydro Dams (Seven Sisters Generating Station at Seven Sisters Falls, MacArthur Falls Generating Station, Great Falls Generating Station, and Pine Falls Generating Station at Powerview) on the way to Pine falls. From Pine Falls, visitors head west to the east beaches. They can start at the north in Sandy Bay (150 km as the crow flies NW of Falcon Lake) and work their way south along Highway #59 through Victoria Beach, Hillside Beach, Belair, Lester Beach, Lakeshore Heights to Balsam Harbour. Or, visitors can begin in the north and work their way south. Either way, tour enthusiasts will see three distinct regions of SE Manitoba, each beautiful in its own way. Visitors will encounter the varied work of 33 artists and receive a warm welcome at each and every different stop.