We are the people of the river.

Land Acknowledgement

Iwe Winnipeg River Heritage Museum dananokiiwag imaa Anishinaabewakiing zhigwa Wiisaakodewininiwag odakiiwaan, ogitendaanaawaan agwi’idiwinan omaa gii-onachigaadegin.

L’Muzid’Iritaj d’la RivyerreWénipegsa l’operre sué terre di zansêt di z’Anishinaabe, di Kri, pi djupèyid’laNassionMéchif. Sa resspek li trettiksa l’avaitifette su steterritwerreisitte.

Le musée du patrimoine de la rivière Winnipeg dirige ses opérations sur les terres traditionnelles des peuples Anishinaabe, de la patrie de la nation métisse et respecte les traités qui ont été conclus sur ce territoire.

The Winnipeg River Heritage Museum operates on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, and the homeland of the Métis nation and respects the Treaties that were made on this territory.

Greatest People of the Winnipeg River

The Greatest People of the Winnipeg River exhibit celebrates the early pioneers, local celebrities and everyone in between, who represent the diversity of dedicated individuals who have their own unique story, and who have made contributions, whether big or small, to community improvement in the Winnipeg River region.

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We are the people of the river.

The Winnipeg River begins in Lake of the Woods, Ontario, meanders through boreal shield wilderness and flows into Lake Winnipeg. Despite its rugged beauty, the Winnipeg River was a dangerous route with many rapids and portages.

The Indigenous peoples used the river to move with the seasons and gather for trade. In 1734, members of the La Verendrye expedition arrived on the Winnipeg River and began the westward expansion of European explorers and fur traders. Over the next two centuries, civilization spread onto the frontier. Families settled upon the banks of the Winnipeg River, carved communities out of the wilderness and capitalized on the region’s rich resources.

The Winnipeg River Heritage Museum’s exhibits and interactive displays capture the spirit of the people who have endured and thrived on the river for generations. Discover tales of Indigenous and Métis peoples, trading posts, missionary-established settlements and industry-driven communities. Witness the development of hydroelectric generating stations that changed the Winnipeg River forever. Begin the journey to uncover the Winnipeg River region’s unique history.

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